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The Benefits Of Same Day Dental Crowns

Digitally Advanced Dentists in San Francisco Can Produce Dental Crowns in a Matter of Hours

A dental emergency can lead to incredible anxiety, missed work and lots of embarrassment. It can also lead to multiple procedures that stretch out over weeks or months. That said, depending on what’s happened to you, you may qualify to get same-day dental crown work. How does this work?

In this process, qualified dentists use state of the art technology to assess damage to the tooth, evaluate, plan, and treat, all in the same day. This fast process may let you return to day-to-day activities without a long recovery time; by catching and treating issues early, you can also reduce the likelihood of problems getting worse.

Here’s how it works. Crowns are used to fix and protect broken, worn out, and otherwise compromised teeth. Dentists cement crowns – strong, tooth-resembling caps – into existing enamel. They often file down or treat teeth prior to crown installation. The crown conceals an entire tooth. The best cosmetic dentist in San Francisco, such as Dr. Alex Pastel, can help you choose which type of crown will work for you. Common materials include porcelain, metal, and combinations. Porcelain crowns mimic the translucency and strength of natural teeth.

Traditionally, the crown process takes time. A lab creates the crowns from patient teeth impressions, considering bone structure and other aspects of the design. They customize each crown to fit the needs of each patient. However, same-day dental crowns achieve all of this, amazingly, in a matter of a few hours.

Contact San Francisco Dentist, Dr. Alex Pastel, Today

If you’re looking for the best reviewed dentist in the Bay Area to handle every aspect of the procedure in-house, contact Pastel Dental today. Give us a call at (415) 831-1999 or use our convenient online scheduling tool to book your next appointment.

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