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Grinding Your Teeth In Your Sleep? Here Are The Causes Of Bruxism

San Francisco Dentist Explains the the Effects of Grinding Your Teeth at Night

Many people experience bruxism, or grinding their teeth in their sleep. The effects of bruxism are real and painful, and they can include severe wear and tear on your teeth. Bruxism can also cause TMJ (temporomandibular joint dysfunction), headaches, and even chipping or loss of teeth.

Some common symptoms of bruxism include:

Factors such as stress, medications, and other bad (but subconscious) habits may contribute to the condition. If you think you may be suffering from bruxism, contact your general dentist, who will likely need to examine your mouth as well as discuss your lifestyle and medical history to diagnose the condition accurately. He or she may also want to speak with the person who shares your bedroom to learn more about your nighttime teeth grinding habits.

Sometimes the wear and tear caused by chronic bruxism can necessitate dental fillings or other dental procedures to prevent further damage. If you’re experiencing severe pain, you may need to see an emergency dentist for immediate care. These dental interventions might need to be combined with other modalities, such as anti-anxiety treatments or meditation, to solve the problem at its source.

Book Your Appointment with San Francisco Dentist, Dr. Alex Pastel

If you are concerned about bruxism, but you have not received adequate dental care — such as a night guard for protection while you sleep — contact Pastel Dental to help diagnose and treat your dental issues. Alex Pastel is a best-reviewed dentist in San Francisco, and works with many dental insurance providers. Give us a call today at (415) 831-1999 or book your appointment online with our convenient online scheduling tool.

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