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7 Secrets To A Healthy And Beautiful Smile

San Francisco Dentist’s Tips for the Perfect Smile

When seeing a dentist for semi-annual teeth cleanings, patients often ask how they can keep their smiles looking their best for as long as possible. You may be familiar with the basics of dental hygiene, but you probably have not considered all 7 of these ways to preserve a beautiful smile:

1. Eat protective foods. Plentiful consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, proteins and healthy natural fats helps to produce more saliva, remove plaque, and polish teeth. For some fascinating and provocative reading on this topic, check out the work of anthropologist Weston Price, a dentist who studied traditional cultures with immaculate dental hygiene.

2. Avoid staining foods. Red wine, coffee, and tomato sauce are some of the foods and beverages most notorious for causing discoloration.

3. Limit or cut out sugar and refined carbohydrates. Foods and beverages laden with processed sugar/carbs can cause problems in your teeth and the rest of your body.

4. Chew sugarless gum. This alternative to brushing immediately after a meal helps stimulate saliva production that removes acidic food residues, which can damage tooth enamel.

5. Schedule regular cleanings. At least twice a year, visit your general dentist for a professional cleaning.

6. Floss daily. Before you brush your teeth each morning or evening, remember to floss.

7. Brush regularly. In the morning and before bed, use proper brushing techniques to clean your teeth.

Contact Our Best Cosmetic Dentist in San Francisco Today

Which of these techniques will you adopt today to create a more beautiful smile? At Pastel Dental, we care about your smile. We are a best reviewed dentist in the San Francisco Laurel Heights area, and we hope you visit us soon to discover the difference we can make for your overall oral and dental health. Give us a call today at (415) 831-1999 or use our online scheduling tool to book your next appointment!

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